I have worked closely with children who have a level 1, 2 and 3 diagnosis, and I understand the unique challenges children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder face, such as;
These factors all impact on a child’s ability to eat a wide range of foods. Many children who present with restricted eating behaviours are often deprived of key nutrients that they need to grow and develop at their best. Having a child who refuses to eat can be very stressful and traumatic for all.
I possess the skills and understanding to deliver a high-quality Dietetic service to families; providing clear education and achievable recommendations and strategies to help children meet their nutrient requirements, while learning how to eat new food.
You will receive a non-judgemental approach, and you will be left feeling empowered and reassured that positive outcomes are possible. Learning to eat new food for children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder is a marathon and not a sprint, slow and steady wins the race.
With the right help your child can have the opportunity to learn about food and in time and even enjoy food.
To make an appointment with Melanie, click the below button to book now!