It is always best to see a Paediatrician first if you suspect that your child has a food intolerance or food allergy. Once your child is under the care of a Paediatrician and/or Allergist, Melanie will be happy to assist you in navigating the world of food intolerances and food allergies.
Infants, toddlers and children with allergies or intolerances are at risk of not meeting their nutritional requirements, simply because they cannot eat a good range of foods.
Melanie can assist you with dietary recommendations to meet your child’s nutrient requirements, label reading, recipes and support you through the re-introduction of allergen food(s), under the guidance of the Paediatrician or Allergist
If your little one has a confirmed diagnosis of either an allergy or intolerance of the below culprits, please make an appointment to see me.
To make an appointment with Melanie, click the below button to book now!