Vegetarianism in Teenagers | Melanie Bouras

Vegetarian Diet

Successful implementation of a Vegetarian Diet

Teenagers choosing to follow a vegetarian diet can achieve optimal growth and development with support and guidance from a Paediatric Dietitian.

The teenage years are some of the hardest years we go through. Puberty, raging emotions and school can all add up to be an unpleasant time for all. These years are vital for young men and women and particular attention to nutrient intake and food choice is of great importance. If your teenager has decided to become a vegetarian there are some essential nutrients that may be accidently omitted from the diet, making life all the more challenging. 

Teenagers choosing to follow a vegetarian diet can achieve optimal growth and development as long as they are meeting their nutrient requirements. Nutrients that are often neglected are protein, iron, calcium and in some cases B12. A consultation with Melanie can ensure your teenager is provided with nutrition education and a meal plan to achieve optimal nutrient intake while adhering to a vegetarian diet.

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